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26th Years Later

This week marks the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Since the signing, many laws and codes have been written to make public accommodations accessible for the disabled. One of those laws allows for lawsuits and monetary compensation for anyone with a disability who experienced a hardship in accessing a public accommodation. These types of lawsuits have gained attention over the last few years.

Many times when I speak with business owners they are familiar with ADA laws only because of these lawsuits and one infamous attorney in the area. Also during these conversations, business owners assume these types of lawsuits are happening less often because this one attorney was sued for his past actions.

However, the data published by Seyfarth and Shaw shows that ADA Title III lawsuits continue to rise. In fact in the first 6 months of 2016 there has been a 63% increase in lawsuits since the 2015 mid year count. So far in 2016, there have been more lawsuits filed than all of 2013 when these lawsuits really began to gain attention.

Although this news seem bleak, there is reform for business owners. The most recent California legislation has granted more protection and a reduction in fines for business owners that have been proactive in regards to making their building more accessible. The first step in protecting your business is to have a certified access specialist perform a site inspection and provide you with a CASp report. To schedule your CASp inspection call today at (916) 995-4798.

For more information on Seyfarth Shaw's data visit their blog at:

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